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Alberta Amputee Sports & Recreation Association

Welcome to AASRA

Our Philosophy

Our Association believes that the quality of life for all amputees, is enhanced through participation and interaction with other amputees, which improves one's social, emotional and physical well being.  We provide moral support to new and existing amputees, both young and old alike.


We believe in furthering the rehabilitation of amputees by organizing and encouraging personal involvement in social and recreational activities. We also provide support services to those who might need a lending hand or just a shoulder to lean on. As a group we want to provide personal support to amputees and their families in the community. To make all of our lives better we assist in prosthetic research for the purpose of obtaining the best device (s) available for amputees by encouraging amputees to participate in prosthetic's training courses and research projects of all types. All of this takes money so we are committed to raising funds necessary to promote the aims and objectives of the association.


Becoming a member of AASRA is easy. Click here to receive information on how to sign up.

OUR MISSION:  To support and provide opportunities for amputees
in recreation and sporting activities, in both disabled and able bodied events.

An Urgent & Important Message to all AASRA Members...

It takes a bit of effort by many (and not a lot by a few) to keep an organization like AASRA healthy and available to continue to provide benefits to its members.


Unfortunately, at the last casino event we fell short of volunteers and had to call on some of those who had already stepped forward to work extra or double shifts to make up for the shortage in spite of a significant amount of cajoling (and begging).  This was truly disappointing and frankly, very unfair to the event coordinators.


Many members who have benefitted from being AASRA members over the past year or two did not respond to this call for a little help, nor have they for any other.  Casinos are AASRA's main source of income, and they are held about once every 16 months.  Absolutely ALL expenses are paid for volunteers.

Because of this experience and others like it, the AASRA board is considering re-implementing a points system to connect its members' contributions to the association to the eligibility of benefits.  It will likely be implemented if the gaps like the one described above aren't filled.  Under this system members will receive points for their contributions to AASRA which will then be used to define their eligibility for funding going forward.  Simply put, if you don't volunteer you won't be eligible for benefits.


In the quarterly newsletters vacant positions and opportunities for members to volunteer are always listed.  Some of the most vital roles that will soon become vacant include (at least one) Director At Large position, the Membership Coordinator role and the Newsletter Editor/Publisher job.  The chairperson of the annual AASRA Amp Open and the Peer Support coordinator can always use a bit of help.  None of these responsibilities are terribly difficult or time-consuming.  The board of directors of AASRA greatly encourages you to volunteer for one or more of them or any other.


Please consider volunteering for some of the needs AASRA has so that no one has to be restricted in their access to benefits or burdened with the administration of a system that tracks it.


If you have any questions or feedback please feel free to respond to this message or send a message to or any one of the members of the AASRA board of directors found on our website.


Thank you very much for your active attention to this issue.


​Terry Shwetz

AASRA Membership Coordinator and Director-At-Large


"We make a living by what we get.  We make a life by what we give." - Winston Churchill

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The 23rd Annual ALBERTA AMP OPEN GOLF TOURNAMENT on July 20/21 in Nanton was another huge success!

A summary and some photos of the weekend can be viewed here.


Looking for a quick overview of everything that's been going on in the AASRA world as of late?  Check out our latest Newsletter!

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Welcome to our Champions Series, in which we interview a group of influential amputees to inspire youth within the amputee community.

Our latest feature is ANGELENA DOLEZAR who recently participated as a member of Canada's Sit Volleyball team at the 2021 Paralympic Games in Tokyo.

Click to go there now!

Bob MacDermott cropped
scooter photo
Terry Storozhenko
Angelena profile
Providing Support
Furthering Rehabilitation
Enhancing Quality of Life


The War Amps provides amputees and their families with invaluable resources on living with amputation. These sheets and booklets are offered in an accessible format that is easy to comprehend. 

(more resources can be found at




live with


AASRA members

have competed in

Paralympic sports

like cycling,

paranordic skiing,

alpine skiing

and snowboarding

In 1977, a

myoelectric prosthetic arm cost $2000.

Today these prosthetics run between

$15,000 - $30,000

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